Between land and water

Tall herb communities - "Mégaphorbiaies"
These lush vegetations are composed of tall herbs with large leaves, which is an indication of fertile soil and high competition between individual plants for light.
On the plains, these environments are located close to waterways, around marshes or wet ditches. Tall herb communities occupy avalanche corridors on wet and rocky soils in the mountains, usually on north-facing slopes. They are fragile and can be altered to grassland with increased mowing and grazing activities.
On the plains, these environments are located close to waterways, around marshes or wet ditches. Tall herb communities occupy avalanche corridors on wet and rocky soils in the mountains, usually on north-facing slopes. They are fragile and can be altered to grassland with increased mowing and grazing activities.
1 : Lotus rectus tall herb community
2 : Tall herb community dominated by Filipendula ulmaria
3 : Subalpic tall herb community dominated by Adenostyles alliariae
Humid grasslands - "Prairies humides"
Humid grasslands are dense and continuous and are composed of herbs and dominated by Poacea species. These grasslands are often located near waterways where soils are temporarily or permanently water-logged, therefore species found in these environments are immersion-adapted.
Humid grasslands play a key role in flood prevention and water purification. They’re often maintained by extensive traditional farming practices such as grazing or mowing.
Humid grasslands play a key role in flood prevention and water purification. They’re often maintained by extensive traditional farming practices such as grazing or mowing.
1 : Medio-european humid grassland on basic and oligotrophic soil
Single-flowered sawwort - "Prairies à Serratules"
The single-flowered sawwort (Klasea lycopifolia) is protected on both national and European levels. It is also considered to be a vulnerable species in France. This plant can only be found in the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azure region and mainly in humid hay meadows.
Its preservation requires traditional alpine agricultural practices, such as late mowing. Its presence illustrates how human activities and respect for biodiversity can be balanced.
Its preservation requires traditional alpine agricultural practices, such as late mowing. Its presence illustrates how human activities and respect for biodiversity can be balanced.
1 : Lowland hay meadow dominated by Arrhenatherum elatius
2 : Semi-dry calcareous Bromopsis erecta grassland